General operations has ZERO hype behind it. However, without general operations we do not exist as an organization. A large part of our budget goes towards the people we rely on to keep the doors open and our services running. Our people are Friends of the Carpenter. Your gift to general operations helps fund salaries, administrative expenses, maintenance and repairs, technology, and furnishings. It might not give people the warm and fuzzies but it is essential to our ability to continue being a meaningful presence in our community!

The Givebutter donor platform gives supporters the option to cover the cost of transaction fees and leave a tip for their platform. These are enabled by default and will be reflected in the total amount. If you see a $10 dollar donation register as "Pay $12.61" that is the reason :) You have the option to choose not to cover the processing fees for us or to leave a tip for Givebutter by clicking "Edit" next to processing fees and clicking "$2" and changing to other in the tip option.